DoReMi Prenatal Wellness

Welcome to DoReMi Prenatal Wellness

Our Mission

To offer support during pregnancy in a positive, encouraging way, and help parents gain a better understanding of the bonding effects on the baby

Our Vision

Founded in 2005, DoReMi Prenatal Wellness was originally created to fulfill an unmet need in the area of prenatal wellness. We discovered that there are currently no similar services offered that focus on the bonding needs of the unborn child. Since the development of DoReMi, we've extended our outreach. We hope to have the opportunity to reach as many prenatal women and their families in as any communities as we can.

We intend to equip women with tools for triumphant living by educating the importance of healthy bonding and how early experiences can play a powerful role in the development of their babies.

Through instruction and encouragement, we aim to instill confidence, hope and ambition in the mom and hope these women will find joy in carrying their babies and in nurturing their newborns.

For many women, pregnancy can be a time of struggle. They may lack the support to make healthy lifestyle changes to benefit themselves and their new baby. We aim to offer that needed support throughout the pregnancy, making it a positive and enjoyable time in their lives.

By starting a the very beginning, our goal is to impact lives through understanding and support in a positive, encouraging way. In doing so, we hope to make a difference in their communities. Not only will the program benefit the family dynamics of the mother and baby, but of future generations as well.

When You Are Pregnant

  • How does Baby respond to outside influences while in the womb?

  • Does Baby know when we are happy, sad, or angry?

  • Will this influence the baby?

  • Does Baby know if he/she is loved or not?

  • Does Mom know what bonding is about?

  • Why can it be difficult for Mom to bond with Baby in the womb?

  • How do the personal issues of Mom affect Baby in the womb?

  • Does Mom know how important it is to pamper herself, relax and decrease unwanted stress while pregnant and afterwards?

  • Does Mom feel overwhelmed and have the need for sincere support and encouragement?

DoReMi Prenatal Wellness helps parents gain a better understanding of the bonding effects on the baby, and offer support during pregnancy in a positive encouraging way.

August 17/18 Workshop